Saturday, January 3, 2015


Every once in awhile I think I am getting tired of the weekly portraits, but then I look back at how much the kids have changed over each year and I am once again excited. It is not just their size that changes, or their faces, which often seem to change from week to week, its also what excites them and occupies them that changes, and I love trying to capture that. One thing that doesn't seem to change is how often I have to take images of them together- these two are quite the pair!

Over the last few days and for a few more I am solo parenting- and while it is actually crazy hard (the awesome hubby for example wakes up with the kids every single day- so that alone is a feat!), it is also nice to spend that much time with the kids- there is that familiar feeling of accomplishment at having…well...survived the day. I also love that doing this parenting thing alone forces me to be focused and present here with the kids- one of the things I hope to do better in 2015. Anyway, here are my monkeys this first week of 2015 (total science fiction if you ask me) in their quite regular winter spot: sitting on the windowsills. Looking back over the weekly portraits from the last few years I noticed that that too is another thing that hasn't changed- they both seem to seek out the light and yearn for the outdoors in the winter, spending hours each day looking out the window or playing some game or another while sitting on their perch.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2015.
Once again joining in with Jodi and the 52 project over at


  1. good luck with your solo parenting days ;)
    winter's too long when it's too cold outside, it happens to us too to look too much through the window...

    1. thanks! my hubby is coming back tomorrow night- i can't wait -especially with all so suddenly two sick kids. and it is -20 outside tonight! horror!

  2. Oh they're beautiful portraits - and lovely windowsills too - I can see why they'd want to hang out there to watch for the Spring!

    1. thank you. if only it (spring) would come faster- i am already over the winter:)
