Saturday, January 10, 2015


As the temperatures have plummeted to -20s and Shea has finally returned (albeit with a whole day delay because of the snow storms) days have gone on slowly and without much intention. We have also all gotten a rather unimpressive cold, so we mostly cuddle, run around the house, pretend to do some housework, read, watch bad movies and repeat. It is actually quite disorienting even though it is fun. We have another week before school starts, which I hope will have a semblance of a rhythm. It is hard to have a rhythm when you are stuck in the house. 

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2015.

As always joining in with Jodi over at


  1. It all sounds rather cosy and wonderful, a sort of enforced lull before school and all the rest kicks in again!

    1. Carie, yes, it is in fact! although without a schedule it feels a bit disorienting-we are finally leaving the house going for rides, etc.

  2. Replies
    1. thanks! yes, he withstood the -20 and helped daddy the whole way- and we have a corner lot so it is a lot of shoveling as I discovered last week when my hubby was gone- it is hard work!

  3. I absolutely love that you made these black and white. How perfect xx

    1. Thanks- they would have been way too busy otherwise:))))

  4. days are too long when you can't go outside... i love the last photo!

    1. we have desperately needed to go out- we finally did yesterday and oh my it was glorious. this coming weekend they are expecting above freezing temps so we intend to go out all day long! how is it in france (or are you back in belgium?)
